Don’t Fight The Last War

Henry,             In my last letter, I had a short section about “Don’t fight the last war.” I thought this idea deserved its own letter. When I was in school, my extracurricular activity of choice was basketball. I am sure when you read this you will be able to empathize

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Fear in the time of COVID

I thought I would start by addressing my long absence from posting on this blog, and why I have chosen now to again take up my metaphorical pen but given the current situation I feel that might be superfluous. That said, if I ever god back and read this, it

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Patience and Happiness Today

Can we make the slow driver speed up? Probably not. Can we force the coworker to reply to the e-mail? not without the perception that we are uncontrollably overbearing. Can we force other people, or the universe to speed up and slow down at our whims? almost never. So then why do we allow it to affect our mental state? 

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Move Thyself…

For the vast majority of those things, those obstacles, there is nothing we could do to avoid them. Still less we can do to remove them from our path. What we can control, is our perceptions of the obstacle and how we choose to react.

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